15 November 2007

Homesickness & Cancer

I just dropped Janelle & Eleanor off at the Comfort Inn, where they caught the airport taxi and are now en route to the big city of Atlanta. From there, they travel to Chicago for aunt Susan's baby shower. What this means to me, of course, is that I will be undergoing major withdrawal from my Good Gal and my Little Gal. I can already feel it. It sucks. It's like homesickness, but bigger...and weirder, 'cause I am at home.

I won't go into specifics, but the lady at the desk at Comfort Inn, as well as the guy driving the taxi were both douchebags. There's no other, more polite way to say it. I suppose some people feel that it's necessary to be a douchebag in order to navigate the many ups and downs of life in this modern society. Like the first time I went to New York, when I was 21, I scowled at everyone because I was afraid that all them New Yorkers could smell the Georgia on me and would take me for a fool. Maybe mug me. Now that was just me being paranoid right there.

These days, I'm a little bit older and a lot wiser. I don't scowl at people anymore. Unless they're acting like douchebags. And then I sure do scowl. Big time. If the person's being a real a-hole, I'll even make kind of a "snick" noise with my tongue as I scowl. It ratchets up the power and intensity of the scowl and quite often is enough to make an a-hole pause and start acting like they've got what we here in the South call "just a little bit of goddamn sense."

Anyway, blogging about my "snick noise" is not helping the homesickness of it all. I think I'll try and go back to sleep. Later on, I gotta take Stella to the vet - which is a whole other story I'll get to soon. It looks like she threw up while I was out. I think she might have cancer.

p.s. Oh yeah, and it rained last night. Like, all night long. I find that quite a nice touch from the galactic Whimsy this whole universe is obviously fueled by. I'm sure more than one person around these parts has used the fact of last night's rain to reinforce their bullheaded beliefs about "God" or some such nonsense. Luckily, that ain't my problem.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

maybe stella is just allergic to your snick noise.