20 August 2011


It seems to me this morning that to yield is the opposite of passivity. I mean, I have devoted a significant portion of the past year to learning about music and poorly chording my way through songs on an acoustic guitar. Nothing special about that, but I feel like prostrating to the gods because I can see that I'm a better person as a result. Less cold space between myself and others. More openness and humility. I now dig with clarity that joyful surrender to acts of creation is what gives my life whatever meaning it has. Truly, I prefer to cook the food I eat. And I prefer the hike to the instantaneous arrival, just as I prefer dreaming to deep, dreamless sleep. And while I love listening to music, I would rather participate in music-making any day of the week. Acts of creation - with family, alone, or with friends - have been my greatest joys on this earth. Is that the ticking of the great diurnal sky clock I hear? Naw, it's the polyrhythm at the heart of all things.


pablo said...

i like this a lot.

pablo said...

(it inspired me to go for a walk without my dog)