20 December 2009

Kwik Mart: The Myth Of Krauss

I went to the Kwik Mart to buy some lottery tickets for Janelle yesterday. While I was there, this older, rough-looking dude got all pissed off when the clerk carded him for a pack of smokes. It was weird, because he had his i.d. in his back pocket - so it's not like he was being denied his precious cancer sticks. I guess the guy just felt the need to bitch out the clerk at the Kwik Mart...but she - the clerk, I mean - handled it with complete passionless detachment. Another clerk was there too (a tall, slim cat with a Steven Seagal ponytail) and you could tell they dealt with crazy people like this guy day-in and day-out - and that an attitude of cultivated torpor was the only salve for being in direct contact with so many anonymous strangers...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

awesome. disconnected in so many ways....