18 August 2008

I never get tired of bitching about how little sleep I get.

Today the cable guy came and hooked us up with a phone/internet combo. He was very cordial and had the demeanor of a Buddhist monk I once knew. That same monk, it's worth mentioning, de-monked himself, grew his hair back out, and is currently teaching Queer Theory in a certain private university in Colorado. Anyway, our cable guy reminded Janelle and me of this monk. So we kept whispering behind his back while he hooked up our cable. We whispered things like "What if_________never became a monk, and instead installed cable? How weird would that be?" and also "Maybe this is _____________, only in some kind of bizzare-o alternate reality. And so I guess maybe we're bizarre-o versions of actual us..." and so on and so on until the poor guy left, at which time I went online and updated my iTunes album art. Like that was an important task.

Anyway, this is my cow-daughter. She's stoked because she's up at 6 a.m., on some wild evolutionary tear that makes you realize that all humans are are these strange tubelike quarks that zip around, sticking their fingers into logs and experimenting with the world until something interesting happens, and if nothing interesting happens, then we just continue on our wild tears until the earth itself relents and sends a comet, gila monsters, or jazz music to occupy us. In Eleanor's case, it was a pair of socks that occupied her for about an hour this morning. Taking them off, putting them on. Over and over and over again while I slowly caffeinated myself and watched the sun blearing in through the window panes here in our lofted duplex. Back in the bedroom, her ma caught up on a little sleep. And dreamed of more and more sleep. If you are reading this and you don't have an infant son or daughter, please, for us, sleep.


Hope Cymerman said...

I want to kiss the cheeks of your cow daughter. She is a sweetiepie.

Anonymous said...

dude I got 10 hours of sleep last night. that should about do it.