16 February 2010

Wrapped In Plastic

Some weeks back, before my 9:30 AM Tuesday creative writing class, I stepped into the men's bathroom of North Hall to take a leak. Afterward, I turned around and saw that the sink was wrapped in plastic...Cristo-style.

There's a running (and stupid) joke between Janelle and me. Whenever I see anything wrapped in plastic, I'll say "Cristo was here," and she'll look over and see - a sandwich, a moped...whatever - then grow faintly annoyed and say, "Ah. Right." While we lived in Athens, during that last few months, the Hampton Inn on Broad & Hawthorne was undergoing this endless renovation. For a loooong time the whole thing was scaffolded, tarped, & wrapped in plastic. It was on our route to the co-op, so we drove by it all the time. This fact, coupled with my need (compulsion) to habitually enact my lame Cristo joke, almost drove Janelle crazy.

In the Twin Peaks pilot, David Lynch makes a big deal over wrapping Laura Palmer's dead body in plastic. One of the characters even says this - "she's wrapped in plas-tic!" - it was Jack Nance's character, "Pete," who also played the lead role in Eraserhead...Anyway, I consider things wrapped in plastic to be bad news for the environment, but basically a good omen for the Jon-Dog. Not that that makes any sense at all.

1 comment:

Todd said...

"She's dead . . . wrapped in plastic." Ah Dean and I got lots of mileage out of that line back in 1992. I hope your chilly Ash Wednesday is a good one.