23 February 2010

From the Hy*Vee Files, Part V

America loves beer. The only country that drinks more beer than the U.S. is China. According to the most recent stats from the Brewers Association, there are 1,525 breweries in the United States. That's a lotta barley pops. A lotta oat sodas...a lotta brew.

So here's a little poem from S*PeRM**K*T...

What's brewing when a guy pops the top off a bottle or can
talk with another man after a real good sweat. It opens,
pours a cold stream of the great outdoors. Hunting a wild
six-pack reminds him of football and women and other
blood spoors. Frequent channels keep high volume foamy
liquids overflowing, not to be contained. Champs, heroes,
hard workers all back-lit with ornate gold of cowboy sunset
lift dashing white heads, those burly mugs.

- by Harryette Mullen

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