26 October 2009

The Ultimate Cave

How To Blow A Child's Mind: (Assuming said child is two years old, currently obsessed with caves, forts, the ideas of caves & forts, and has been building makeshift "caves" all over the house utilizing various quilts, blankets, throws, pillows, and so on.) [1] Wait for child to leave the house (while said child is out with Mother, say); [2] Erect tent in child's bedroom, filling it with various blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, books, etc.; [3] Upon child's return, inform her the Ultimate Cave awaits her in her very own bedroom; [4] Enjoy.


Ryan said...

so cool. which reminds me, North FL is currently obsessed with "Beer caves." all the best gas stations have them, and they advertise on the street-side signs how ice cold their beer cave is, how big it is, how you can walk-in to it, etc.

Sarah said...

Quilt forts are the best forts short of surprise, indoor, pillow-filled, tent forts. But I'm biased.