13 October 2009

The Stye

This photograph was taken four days ago. Look closely under my left eye and you'll see the beginnings of a stye. The stye has prospered considerably since this photo was taken, however, and is now approximately the size of New Hampshire. I've tried every home remedy listed on the web, but it just keeps seething and festering. Last night I applied garlic juice directly to the stye and - there's no other way to say this - it felt like a g.d. cow ant was burrowing its way into my eye socket. After about ten minutes of crying actual tears, the pain subsided. "It must've been doing something good if it hurt that bad," I said to a horrified Janelle. So now I have a garlic clove taped to my lower eyelid and am in a constant, prolonged state of agony while I work on my story for workshop. What is this world?

1 comment:

Stye-Guy said...

sounds like a world of pain...
PS dreamcrisp coming soon.