16 March 2010

Approach of the Vernal Equinox

Yesterday the sun was out - it was sixtysomething degrees! There was a lot of exposed flesh in Iowa City...lots of midriff apparitions and pale, ghostly arms, legs, cleavage. (A winter in the north country doesn't do anybody any favors in the "how do I look?" department.) But now it's back down in the forties and the glum expression is back - that harrowed Christ, when will Winter end? look in everybody's eyes. Answer: Winter will end in approx. four days.

It's Spring Break here, so tonight we're heading up to northern Minnesota to visit with Janelle's sister and her family for a few days. It will be even colder in the Land O' Lakes. But the air is clean and at night you can see the Milky Way high above the pointed pines! Yip!

1 comment:

RED Letter Days said...

I saw a star last week. How bad can light pollution be in the I.C.?

~still todd~