14 September 2010


Earlier this summer, the local indy video store, That's Rentertainment (an Iowa City institution), went out of business. I found - and find - this depressing as hell, partly for personal reasons involving a love of video stores and the awesome experiences and conversations I've had with complete strangers in them, but also because this extinction is happening all over the United States. End of an era - the community-supported video rental era. It's a weird thing to see them all go. It's like suddenly someone decides to make all the barber shops disappear. No more barber shops. Now you just download your haircut online. It's cool - you can select from billions of available styles.

1 comment:

pablo said...

one time at the Video Station in Boulder I went to the desk and asked the indie hip-girl for a copy of The Killer and a copy of Singing in the Rain. She replied, "you're real sick, you know that?" Then she walked away to get my videos. You can't get that from Netflix.