22 January 2010

Merwin's Eternal Supermarket

We go into a supermarket & we have artificial light, canned music, everything's deodorized - we can't touch or taste or smell anything, and we hear only what they want us to hear. No wonder everybody wanders around like zombies! Because our senses have been taken away from us for a while. A supermarket brings the whole thing into focus. The things that are there don't belong there, they didn't grow there. They have a shelf life, which is being rented, so that we can buy them. It's only about selling things. This is a very strange kind of situation, but it's typical of our lives.

Poetry, like all the arts, not only reconnects us to the world, it emanates from the connection with the world of the senses and the imagination that remains. When that connection is no longer there, there will be no arts, and we won't even know what we missed - we really will be zombies walking around, if we can walk around at all, in a sort of eternal supermarket.
-W.S. Merwin

1 comment:

Ryan said...

things are a little better when there's bulk hoppers. then you can scoop up your serving, and find a pen and a twistie tie, and co-create your grocery experience (also being sure to leave crunchy morsels of granola on the floor for kids to stomp on).